Seasonal Andalusian Haute Cuisine

From our warm space in Marbella’s historic heart, the Skina team – led by Marcos Granda – proposes a unique food and wine experience, exclusive to only ten enthusiasts of Andalusian cuisine.

Awarded with two Michelin Stars and boasting a wine list of more than 950 references, at Skina we celebrate southern Spain’ inspiring gastronomic tradition, recreating it with imagination and personality and high proximity, temporality and quality ingredients.

At Skina, not a single detail of your experience will be left to chance.

Andalusian gastronomic art

high proximity, high quality.

Skina’s cuisine is a tribute to the multicultural, vibrant, and highly creative gastronomic tradition of Southern Spain.

At Skina we are guided by the seasonality of the fertile lands in our region, the temperament of the Mediterranean Sea and the smart advice we receive daily from our great family of suppliers.

Skina celebrates the recipes that have been made in Andalusian homes for centuries, reinventing them with great respect and affection and reformulating them with the least possible impact on the environment and with the maximum possible impact on your experience.

Flavours of Andalusia.

Wth personality, with Star.

I was born in Asturias on September 1, 1976, but I confess that Andalusia has always had a special place in my heart because of its honesty, its personality, its sense of humour, and its undeniable aesthetic charm.

And, again, in 2019 with a second Star. And all of it, without being a cook – just a sommelier. Proving that the secret of a great restaurant is not (only) having a great chef. The secret of a great restaurant is something completely different.

Opening Skina in 2004 was fulfilling one of my biggest dreams. What I could never have imagined was that this dream would go even farther five later when our work would be recognized with a Michelin Star.

In the ``small`` Skina stage there is only one protagonist

I have always believed that great restaurants are those that work incessantly towards making their customers feel important.

That level of attention is only achieved if the team dedicates all their energy, skills, and passion to making the customer experience an incomparable one.

The size of the stage on which this gastronomic dance takes place is the least important of all factors. What really matters is the rhythm. The synergy. The passion. And in Skina’s cosy setting, rhythm, synergy and passion abound, and they are exclusively focused on just ten diners!

Ten protagonists. And four tables. Can you imagine the level of attention? Can you imagine the level of warmth? Can you imagine the level of affection? Ten out of ten.


Skina in the media

“At Skina, we don’t settle for “excellent”.If it’s not “extraordinary”, it will never bear the Skina seal”.